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Stories About Energy/Utilities

Found 1543 stories. Page 2 of 78.

Low-Carbon Retrofits are Becoming a Climate Priority for Cities, Fast
Low-Carbon Retrofits are Becoming a Climate Priority for Cities, Fast

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Cities and states are incentivizing retrofits because buildings are major emitters — and because retrofit investments offer significant long-term ROI through energy savings alone.

US Government Launches Climate Corps to Train Youth with Skills Needed to Tackle the Climate Crisis
US Government Launches Climate Corps to Train Youth with Skills Needed to Tackle the Climate Crisis

THE NEXT ECONOMY - In its first year, the American Climate Corps aims to put more than 20,000 young people on career pathways in the growing fields of clean energy, conservation and climate resilience.

IRA Will Get US Halfway to Paris Goals; But We Need Mandates to Reach the Finish Line
IRA Will Get US Halfway to Paris Goals; But We Need Mandates to Reach the Finish Line

CLEANTECH - Keeping the planet below 1.5ºC will require rapid scaling of current technologies and deployment of emergent climate solutions — as well as innovative, binding policy interventions.

As DOE Invests $1.2B in Direct Air Capture, Climate Justice Groups Decry Business as Usual
As DOE Invests $1.2B in Direct Air Capture, Climate Justice Groups Decry Business as Usual

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Many see DAC as a necessary, if imperfect, tool for achieving needed carbon reductions; but climate justice groups oppose anything that perpetuates petrochemical operation, which often disproportionately harms communities where they are built.

Reports Lay Out the True Cost of Frequent Flyer Programs, Private Jets
Reports Lay Out the True Cost of Frequent Flyer Programs, Private Jets

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Frequent flyer reward programs encourage flyers to emit up to 34x their lifetime carbon budget; while flying private can pollute up to 30x more than a standard flight.

New Insulating Paints Reduce Energy, Costs, Emissions, Discomfort in Extreme Temperatures
New Insulating Paints Reduce Energy, Costs, Emissions, Discomfort in Extreme Temperatures

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - The paints, developed by Stanford researchers, can reduce the need for both heating and air conditioning in buildings, as well as refrigerated cargo spaces such as trains and trucks.

We Need to Choose Better Intensity Metrics; Here's How
We Need to Choose Better Intensity Metrics; Here's How

NEW METRICS - The availability and measurability of data is critical in determining the right metric. Quantifying ‘social good,’ for example, is nebulous; if the metrics we select give us no ability to measurably improve them, then our work is for naught.

Salesforce, Deloitte, WEF Calling on Startups Ready to Fuel Sustainable Aviation
Salesforce, Deloitte, WEF Calling on Startups Ready to Fuel Sustainable Aviation

CLEANTECH - The challenge seeks next-generation aviation solutions including alternative fuels and propulsion technologies; and innovations in feedstock, engineering, and physical and market infrastructure.

Waste Is Only Waste If We Waste It: Demystifying Anaerobic Digestion
Waste Is Only Waste If We Waste It: Demystifying Anaerobic Digestion

CLEANTECH - The benefits of anaerobic digestion for recycling various kinds of organic farm waste are far-reaching — including waste management, renewable energy generation, GHG reduction, economic advantages and agricultural sustainability.

In Response to Uyghur Forced Labor Scrutiny, Supply Chains Are Becoming More Opaque
In Response to Uyghur Forced Labor Scrutiny, Supply Chains Are Becoming More Opaque

SUPPLY CHAIN - Since the passage of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act in 2022, which banned US imports from companies linked to it, solar-industry sourcing is becoming 'less transparent.' Now, the results of inaction are affecting suppliers for car batteries and printers.

Beyond Recycling: Report Highlights Need for Circular Approach to Critical Raw Materials
Beyond Recycling: Report Highlights Need for Circular Approach to Critical Raw Materials

THE NEXT ECONOMY - The report from CISL's Corporate Leaders Group showcases the challenges, opportunities and business best practices of embracing more circular practices in CRM use through case studies from Ball, Volvo Cars and more.

Connected Construction a Promising Way to Rein in the Built Environment
Connected Construction a Promising Way to Rein in the Built Environment

PRODUCT, SERVICE & DESIGN INNOVATION - Constructing a sustainable built environment requires more than efficient design, equipment and materials — but processes and workflows that say exactly where and how these assets combine to streamline processes as much as possible.

How Transportation Partnerships Can Help Accelerate Scope 3 Emissions Reductions
How Transportation Partnerships Can Help Accelerate Scope 3 Emissions Reductions

CLEANTECH - It’s important for organizations to seek like-minded partners that understand their climate goals and are interested in working together to identify decarbonization strategies and solutions.

Report Shows Path to Zero-Emission Passenger Transport with 'More Mobility and Less Mining'
Report Shows Path to Zero-Emission Passenger Transport with 'More Mobility and Less Mining'

CLEANTECH - A new report shows a just pathway to zero-emission urban mobility. Simple changes such as smaller EV batteries can greatly improve resource-use efficiency; but holistically reducing car dependence will be paramount.

50+ CEOs Join Aviation Industry Initiative to Transform Airports into Clean-Energy Hubs
50+ CEOs Join Aviation Industry Initiative to Transform Airports into Clean-Energy Hubs

CLEANTECH - The World Economic Forum’s Airports of Tomorrow initiative seeks to address the energy, infrastructure and financing needs of the transition to a net-zero aviation industry by 2050.

Danfoss ‘Smart Store’ Sets New Bar for Energy-Efficient Supermarkets
Danfoss ‘Smart Store’ Sets New Bar for Energy-Efficient Supermarkets

CLEANTECH - The Smart Store — expected to be ~50% more energy efficient than a typical supermarket — will also work as Danfoss’ test center for energy-efficiency technologies.

Organic-Materials Management: How Companies Can Make Better Choices
Organic-Materials Management: How Companies Can Make Better Choices

WASTE NOT - Helping people on the front lines of manufacturing and materials management understand company sustainability goals, and providing the leadership support to contribute to achieving them, empowers them to take a more conscious approach to disposal.

Oregon County Sues Several Fossil-Fuel Giants for Role in 2021 'Heat Dome'
Oregon County Sues Several Fossil-Fuel Giants for Role in 2021 'Heat Dome'

THE NEXT ECONOMY - The Multnomah County lawsuit is just one of many emerging efforts to hold corporations responsible for climate change and may set a new precedent for global corporate accountability.

Renewables May Be Booming; But Shifting from Fossil Fuels Is Being Hindered By …
Renewables May Be Booming; But Shifting from Fossil Fuels Is Being Hindered By …

CLEANTECH - Projects that could generate more than 1TW of renewable energy are still waiting to be constructed and connected to the grid in all parts of the world, due to delays in permitting and a lack of investment in grid infrastructure.

Human-Centered Design Prioritizes Health, Wellbeing and Regeneration
Human-Centered Design Prioritizes Health, Wellbeing and Regeneration

PRODUCT, SERVICE & DESIGN INNOVATION - HOK’s design focus is not only on reducing building emissions, but also the environmental impact of materials and the health of building occupants. The firm's regenerative design studio also explores how buildings can be net positive for the environment.
