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Business Case

The latest in how organizations around the world are demonstrating the business case and ROI for environmental and social sustainability initiatives.

Scenario Analysis: Determine Your Business’ Resilience to Climate Change

***Prepare for the costly effects by creating different scenarios to predict the impacts of climate change on your current and future financial performance.***

'Purpose Premium' Found to Create Reputational Gains for Companies

***“Purpose” is one of three critical dimensions of overall reputation, according to the 2018 Porter Novelli/Cone Purpose Premium Index: How Companies Can Unlock Reputational Gains by Leading with Purpose, released today.***

B Corp Analysis Reveals Purpose-Led Businesses Grow 28 Times Faster Than National Average

New research from B Lab, a network of purpose-driven companies using business as a force for good, has revealed that certified B Corps in the UK are growing 28 times faster than the national economic growth of 0.5 percent.
