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Why a Circular Dress Code Will Always Be in Style

WASTE NOT - Technology is the magic thread weaving the circular textile narrative together to ensure that fashion isn’t just a statement — but a sustainable, end-to-end lifecycle that respects our planet.

In Response to Uyghur Forced Labor Scrutiny, Supply Chains Are Becoming More Opaque

SUPPLY CHAIN - Since the passage of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act in 2022, which banned US imports from companies linked to it, solar-industry sourcing is becoming 'less transparent.' Now, the results of inaction are affecting suppliers for car batteries and printers.

Starbucks Expands ‘100% Reusables’ Tests in Bid to Sink Disposable Cup Waste

BEHAVIOR CHANGE - Since 2021, Starbucks has been testing the 100% reusables model across more than 25 markets. With most of its beverages enjoyed on the go, the company continues to test and learn how to best encourage customers to embrace reusables.

Free, Open-Source Recycling Ecosystem Is Making Plastic ‘Precious’

THE NEXT ECONOMY - Precious Plastic is all about democratizing circularity. And it’s enabling a new form of craftsmanship: One in which anyone, anywhere, can start a small business recycling and making new products from plastic waste.

Could Coastal Carbon Capture Clean Up Atmospheric Carbon at Gigaton Scale?

PRODUCT, SERVICE & DESIGN INNOVATION - Vesta is accelerating natural processes using carbon-removing olivine sand to promote coastal resilience, advance ocean uptake and storage of carbon dioxide, and reduce ocean acidity.

Landmark Report Sets Out 7 Steps for Embedding Nature, Equity Goals into Global Financial Activity

THE NEXT ECONOMY - The Taskforce on Nature Markets asserts an unprecedented shift towards accurately pricing nature in global markets must occur to deliver on nature, climate and equity goals.

How Food Companies Are Incentivizing Suppliers to Rein in GHGs

SUPPLY CHAIN - A new report from WWF examines the efficacy of rewards for climate-smart on-farm practices in getting suppliers’ help in eliminating Scope 3 emissions.

Beyond Recycling: Report Highlights Need for Circular Approach to Critical Raw Materials

THE NEXT ECONOMY - The report from CISL's Corporate Leaders Group showcases the challenges, opportunities and business best practices of embracing more circular practices in CRM use through case studies from Ball, Volvo Cars and more.

At Long Last, There’s a Metric for Quantifying the Monetary Value of Sustainability Investments

NEW METRICS - Astanor Ventures’ Impact Multiple on Investment methodology translates the expected and realized benefits of invested-in products or services into monetary terms — helping investors make more informed, strategic decisions.

‘Big Build’ Brings Mars Closer to Goal of Restoring 1M Corals Worldwide by End of 2023

PRODUCT, SERVICE & DESIGN INNOVATION - The massive coral-restoration project took place in the Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia — in the world’s most biologically complex marine ecosystem in the Coral Triangle — alongside Indonesian community partners.

Royal Society of Chemistry Task Force Aims to Make Liquid Polymers ‘Benign by Design’

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - The Sustainable Polymers in Liquid Formulation (PLFs) Task Force will collaborate to innovate throughout the value chain and across sectors including cosmetics, water treatments, lubricants and agricultural products.

The Materiality Matrix Is Like Grandma’s Ham

NEW METRICS - The key lesson is to question older practices to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose. After all, practices can morph over time to the point they become ends in themselves — so ubiquitous that no one questions them.

Advanced Livestock Genetics Are Making Protein Production More Sustainable

PRODUCT, SERVICE & DESIGN INNOVATION - Historically, corporate carbon-reduction strategies haven't looked to genetic innovations as a viable Scope 3 reduction opportunity; but it is one of the most important considerations for improving the sustainability of livestock production.

Renovate or Rebuild: M&S Oxford St Planning Decision Fuels Debate About ‘Sustainable’ Construction

WALKING THE TALK - The retailer argued that a new store would be 25% more energy efficient; but environmentalists say the Oxford Street demolish-rebuild plan would have sent 40K tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

To Be a Transformational Leader, You Must Be Queer-Minded

LEADERSHIP - In the context of leadership, the importance of seeking ‘self-actualization’ cannot be understated. You must be able to face and lead yourself in order to be a great leader.

Beyond Bioplastics: Agricultural Waste Streams Becoming Next-Gen Packaging Materials

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - By upcycling agricultural waste, these three startups are replacing plastic with a new wave of packaging materials that ‘make no compromises along the supply chain.’

The Problem with Hiding from ‘Anti-Woke’ Crusaders

MARKETING AND COMMS - Anti-ESG agitators are telling a story that’s both inaccurate and bad for business. And silence won’t deter further attacks — though it certainly could compromise long-term brand value.

Connected Construction a Promising Way to Rein in the Built Environment

PRODUCT, SERVICE & DESIGN INNOVATION - Constructing a sustainable built environment requires more than efficient design, equipment and materials — but processes and workflows that say exactly where and how these assets combine to streamline processes as much as possible.

Fashion for Good, adidas, Inditex, Target, Zalando Launch Circular Footwear Pilot

COLLABORATION - Fashion for Good and its four brand partners have joined forces with footwear-recycling innovator FastFeetGrinded to support the scaling of recycled content in footwear.

New API Highlights Properties’ Sustainability Credentials

MARKETING AND COMMS - In partnering with enterprise software startup BeCause, can now automate the managing and updating of information about properties’ sustainability certifications and features.
